Privacy Policy & TOS Generator

Before you begin, let me clarify that yes, this is a 100% free, GDPR compliant privacy policy. I was tired of looking for “free” privacy policy and terms of use generators, only to be nickel and dimed for trivial add-on clauses like “cookies” and ad networks (as if those are high-level features of an internet bases website).

So, I made my own. And I made it free because I don’t want anyone to have to spend time typing in all of their information, only to be met with a snatch and grab, where their free policy ends up costing them 50 to 100 dollars.

The truth is, you don’t receive any more legal protections with the paid privacy policies generated from a website (unless they explicitly say a legal professional will look it over and discuss the specific details of your business). Any policy you generate online is not guaranteed to protect you, so you will need to have it looked over by a professional regardless. My generator is free and will do the heavy lifting. If you’re just running a casual blog, it’s a good idea to look it over and remove the things you do not need. If you are doing anything more with your site, it is best to have a lawyer buddy of yours look it over, or pay a contract lawyer to read through it.

These policies are derived from Basecamp open-source policies and licensed by CC BY 4.0. You can use them 100% for free and modify them to your liking. 

If you found this useful, feel free to donate via the PayPal button below. However, you’re under no obligation to. Many people found this via a search engine, and a handful asked to donate because of the time they saved by not having to modify every detail the open-source policies, so I added the button for those who felt obliged.